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June 12, 2011


Finding Maid

by expat-underground

How do you find a maid? There are many ways

First, ask someone you know who is either local or an expat who has been living in Malaysia for a few years and has a maid. Finding a maid generally requires using word of mouth. That is if you want a free lance. This is someone who has been a maid in Malaysia for more then two years and does not want to be linked to an agent. There are pros and cons using these maids. Firstly she will sometimes demand high salaries due to her experience. Just because she has been working in Malaysia does not mean she is good at her job. Generally it means she has a great network of friends and she knows how to con the expats. I generally find that the younger the maid the more energy she has to clean the house and interact with the children. The older experienced maid will tell you what she will and will not do and try to control the household. She will give you advice whether you ask for it or not. This does not mean all experienced maids are like what I have mentioned and some are probably worth paying extra. My advice is to interview and trial. Depending on how much time her permit allows make sure you trial for a week or a month and then commit. Also, make sure when she starts that everyone is clear on the workplace conditions and do not allow her to change any like taking Saturday night off when you agreed to only Sunday. Once you start bending the rules then you can only blame yourself when your maid starts making your life difficult. Remember at the end of the day you are providing her with free board and food and a good tax free salary. Also, when you go on a four week holidays back home etc your maid will probably do part-time work until you get back so she will be earning two salaries. Or she will use that four week holiday to do as she pleases and only clean the house when she knows you will be back.

Second, remember they are your employee and not your new best friend. Treat them like an employee and they will respect you. Remember your maid already has family and she has worked with many families. Her main interest is to earn money to support her family who are living in the Philippines. Second will be her attachment to your children. It is very important that you trial and if there is something or anything that does not feel right then do not extend their trial time. Remember she will be working in your house and babysitting your children. First impressions are the most important.

Another option is to use an agent. The best way to find an agent besides doing an internet search is to contact the Filipino embassy who has a list of agents they approve. This means that they follow the rules set in place by the Filipino government and your money will not be squandered. The agent will show you a folder full of biodata of maids using their agency. They will provide some advice when selecting but they will try not to influence you just incase there are any problems. They will then provide you with all the forms and provide any help to fill them out. The agent will lodge all the forms on your behalf and take you to immigration if needed or they will drop the girl off at your house. They then usually provide one week trial and then all the documents are processed. If after three months there are any problems they will help to locate a replacement maid. However they will try their hardest to make sure she stays with you. Before you proceed with the application the agent will provide you with a list of all the costs and what the employment conditions will be.

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. Arber
    Mar 18 2012

    I need a maid live in but they demand 2000 rm a month

    • Mar 18 2012

      That is ridiculous. I would never hire a maid that cost that mush. 1400 rm is a great price for a maid. If you are looking for a live in then contact an agent and they can find you a maid that is live in and only has Sunday off, leave sunday morning back sunday afternoon. Some agents supply maids that do not want any days off (this is what they negotiated with their agent who is finding the maid work). Agents may be expensive up front but if you work out the cost over a two year period then the live in maid supplied by an agent will be much cheaper.

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